HSRF-101 - Scholarship Standards and Requirements To save and print, select “Download”.
HSRF-102 - Scholarship Application Select Option #1 or Option #2 (NOT BOTH)
Option #1 (PDF)
To save and complete a PDF, select “DOWNLOAD”. IMPORTANT: SAVE form FIRST and fill in ONLY the saved copy. Fill in the blanks. To submit, attach a copy of the saved and completed form and email to (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Remember to request that the school to mail copies of your Transcript and Testing Scores (ie. ACT, SAT or other).
Option #2 (HTML)
1. To apply online for the Howard & Sue Robinson Foundation Scholarship via Form-102 (HTML), click the "Apply Now Button" to the right.
2. Select Register. The basic form should appear for you to fill in the blanks. Important: Must have your login information each time you access your form. Once, you tap REGISTER, go to your email, search for Robinson Foundation email requesting you to acknowledge your registration. You must acknowledge your registration before your registration is complete.
3. After acknowledging your request to register, using your browser, return to Login to your account.
4. Complete the Robinson Foundation Scholarship Application Form 102 (HTML). Form automatically saves. Do NOT tap SUBMIT until you are ready to SUBMIT because once submitted, your form will be LOCKED. You will no longer be able to make changes to the form. Only when your form is complete, tap SUBMIT and form is LOCKED.
5. If you require assistance from the Robinson Foundation Administrator (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (972) 407-1400.
HSRF-103 - Parents’ Financial Information ONLY Finalists’ parents MUST complete this form. To complete, select “DOWNLOAD”. IMPORTANT: SAVE form FIRST and fill in only the saved copy. Fill in the blanks. Execute the signature page(s). Send the completed form to the Foundation’s email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Remember this form and copies of the IRS 1040s MUST be received before the scheduled student interview.
HSRF-104 - Teacher Reference We prefer electronic submission via email to (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), however, if you prefer you may mail your form to our mailing address listed below. ONLY complete this form when requested by the Foundation. To complete, select “DOWNLOAD”. IMPORTANT: SAVE form FIRST and fill in only the saved copy.
HSRF-105 - Agreement and Contact Information HSRF Scholars MUST complete this form before any Foundation funds are expended. Select “DOWNLOAD”. IMPORTANT: SAVE form FIRST and fill in only the saved copy. Fill in the blanks on the downloaded form, sign, and mail to the Foundation’s post office box address. Remember payments to the school cannot start until this form is received.
HSRF-106 - HRSF Scholar Reporting HSRF Scholars must complete this form after each semester. To complete, select “DOWNLOAD”. IMPORTANT: SAVE form FIRST and fill in only the saved copy. HSRF Scholars MUST provide this form at the conclusion of each semester. Instruct the school to mail: 1) copy of your semester grades, 2) copy of account status with posting and allocation of all funds received into the account. Remember no payments can be made for next semester until this form is received by the Foundation.